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Sunday, February 26, 2017

How are some people able to take early retirement

Rishi, a school friend of mine, left his job as a senior executive in one of the largest IT Enabled Services companies in India three years back to pursue his personal interests.Rishi was 41 when he retired from his professional career and is now focused on his two childhood passions, photography and music. Rishi is married with two school going kids and has ensured that his family enjoys a comfortable lifestyle. I have known Rishi for more than 20 years and have never seen him more contended and happy with life. Rishi’s is not the only example of early retirement. A number of people I know very well, have voluntarily retired from their professional careers to pursue personal interests and a few of them are not yet 45.

Rishi and others I know who have taken early retirement from their careers are, however, a very small minority. Many people simply cannot afford the luxury of early retirement. There are many acquaintances,just four or five years away from their retirement and they are quite nervous about retirement (in financial terms). Based on my observations of the changing corporate climate in India, early retirement is not always an indulgence for the more fortunate, because early retirement is not always purely voluntary. Corporate lives are getting increasingly shorter and many colleagues have told me that a forced career disruption in late forties or fifties is very difficult, both from opportunities and adjustment standpoints. I think it is prudent for people, especially those in high paying jobs, to financially plan for early retirement, whether they intend to actually retire early or not.

In this blog post, we will discuss how some people are able to take early retirements. Let us first discuss two half truths related to financial independence. Some people think that, only people who have substantial family wealth to fall back on are able to take early retirements. While inheriting family wealth certainly has advantages, it is not a pre-requisite for attaining financial independence early in life. Some of the people I know, who have taken early retirement, did not inherit family wealth. Some people think that, people in high paying jobs are able to retire early. Again it is only a half truth; I know many people with high paying jobs, yet only very few are able to accumulate sufficient retirement corpus early in life. The key to wealth creation is not how much you earn, but how much you save and how the money grows.

Let me share with our readers, my observations regarding the saving and investing behaviour of people who have been able to attain financial independence early in life. There are numerous examples of young entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley, California and also some, here in India, who became billionaires in their twenties and thirties by selling their start-up companies. I am not going to talk about such exceptional people. The observations which I will share are from regular people like you and me; the difference between these people who have financial independence early in life and the ones who are nervous about financial security can be attributed almost entirely to their saving and investment behaviour. Here are some common traits that I have observed.
People like my friend Rishi were able to save a much bigger portion of their income than most of us. It goes without saying that, the higher your income, more you will be able to save. All the young retirees that I know were in high paying jobs. But what separates Rishi and his ilk from the rest of the people in similar high paying jobs was the percentage of their monthly income that they were able to save from a very early stage of their careers. While many of us think that, saving 10 – 15% of our post tax salary is good enough; people like Rishi were saving 40 – 50% of their post tax income from a very young age. How were they able to save more? Obviously they had good monthly incomes to begin with, but more importantly they had a plan. The importance of having a plan cannot be understated. Whether your monthly income is Rs 30,000 or Rs 1 lakh or Rs 5 lakhs, you and your family is going to consume the same amount of food at home. If you are driving to work, the amount of fuel you will consume will depend on the distance from home to office and not on your salary.

The point is that, if some of the basic necessities of life cost the same irrespective of income levels, why are some people able to save much more than others? The answer is obvious. A significant part of incomes of people in the middle and upper middle income groups goes towards discretionaryor lifestyle spending. Unlike what many of us would like to belief, discretionary or lifestyle spending, is totally controllable, if you have a plan. There are opportunities in careers of some people, where situations enable you to save a large part of your salary, e.g. lucrative overseas assignments or assignments where the company pays for most of your living expenses. If you have a plan you will be able to take full advantage of such opportunities which come across your way; without a plan, it goes wasted from a savings perspective. It is therefore, important that you have financial goals and plan from an early stage of your career.

Savings is not the only important habit of people who are able to accumulate wealth early. Investing is another important habit. Spending less, by itself, will not result in wealth creation. You have to invest your savings wisely. I would urge all the regular visitors of to read the book, Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. Kiyosaki articulates in very simple language, simple enough for all of us to understand, why the rich are able to grow their wealth; money creates more money. Idle money does not grow by itself; it needs to be invested in order to grow. Investing savvy is probably the single most quality, that I observed in people who were able to attain financial independence early in life.

Smart investors put their money to its most productive use by regularly investing their savings. Rishi, for example, had been investing through Systematic Investment Plans (SIP) in mutual funds for most of his corporate career and was able to create a substantial retirement nest egg simply through SIP. Instead of investing in an ad-hoc manner, they do their homework, in terms of research and planning before investing. They efficiently allocate capital between different asset types, e.g. equity and fixed income, large cap and small cap. They monitor the performance of investment on a regular basis and are always on the look-out for better investment opportunities.

Another common investment trait of people, who were able to attain early financial independence, is that, they invested mostly in assets which were able to generate cash-flows for them. Kiyosaki has also stressed the importance of cash flow generating assets. Many people spend a lot of money buying assets like jewellery, cars and expensive gadgets. You should understand that these assets though emotionally satisfying and aesthetically pleasing, do not generate any cash-flows for the investor.

On the other hand, stocks, bonds, mutual funds etc generate cash flow for their investors, either in the form of interest, dividends or capital gains. Cash flows create more cash and liquidity allows investors to tactically capitalize on investment opportunities.

Research has shown that thesingle most important factor in wealth creation is asset allocation. Smart investors like Rishi at the start of their careers invested most of their money in equity shares and equity mutual funds. Over a period of time, they altered their asset mix to have more exposure to debt. I have seen that, many parents advise their children who are beginning their careers, not to invest their money in equity and instead save it in risk free savings schemes. Since young people beginning their careers are inexperienced, they usually listen to their parent’s advice.

It is understandable that parents are concerned about the safety of their children’s money because equity is a risky asset class. But parents should understand that, equity as an asset class, gives the highest returns in the long term. Choice of appropriate asset class can make a huge difference to wealth creation in the long term. Let us assume, person A saves Rs 5,000 every month and invests in recurring deposits. Person B saves the same amount and invests in an equity mutual fund through SIP. Let us assume long term rate of return of equity is 15% and fixed income is 8%. After 20 years, person A will accumulate Rs 17 lakhs while person B will accumulate Rs 75 lakhs; the difference in wealth creation is huge.

Culturally, Indians are debt averse but in more recent times it has been observed that, indebtedness of our society is on increasing trend. Average urban household debt multiplied more than 7 times from in 2002 to in 2014. Household debt is one of the biggest impediments to wealth creation. Debt comes in many forms like credit card loans, personal loans, car loans, home loans etc. Cost of debt in our country is quite high and interest payment is one of the most unproductive uses of our income.

People, who were able to retire early, remained debt free for most of their working careers. Rishi, for example, took a home loan to purchase his apartment early in his career, but he made sure that his EMI was a relatively small portion of his income. Whenever he got a big increment or bonus, he increased his EMI or made a pre-payment; this reduced his interest pay-out and his loan tenure. After a few years, he was debt free and was able to invest more for wealth creation. I know that many people worry about their home loan EMIs; they should have worried about their EMI before taking the loan, not after. Proper financial planning can help you define specific goals like retirement, children’s education, home purchase etc and help you allocate your savings most efficiently for each of these goals.

A common attribute of people, who were able to achieve financial independence early in life, was their risk taking ability. By risk taking, I am not referring to trading in derivatives or investing in risky small cap stocks or high yield bonds or private equity investments; it is essentially about investment temperament. Greed and fear are the two dominant behavioural drivers in investments, but people who are able to conquer these emotions are successful investors. Rishi told me once that, the stock market crash of 2008 was the biggest boon in his personal finance journey. Even though his investments lost 40 – 50% in valueterms in that year, he tactically used major declines to increase his asset allocation in equity. At a time when most investors were shifting their asset allocation from equity to fixed income, Rishi shifted from fixed income to equity. It is not rocket science to invest in equity when prices are low, but it takes courage and discipline; obviously the gains are huge. Risk takers are able to taken contrarian calls with stocks and sectors. Contrarians say that, if a sector is beaten down too much, it makes sense to invest in the sector. Rishi, for example, invested in banking sector funds in 2009 - 2010 and got great returns. Similarly, investors who got into midcap at the end of 2013 were able to get terrific returns. However, I must add here that, taking contrarian calls requires a certain amount of investment expertise and not all investors are equipped with such abilities.

Finally, people who were able to take early retirements from their professional careers had a clearly defined plan of what to do after retirement. If you have a roadmap, you will be more committed. Commitment is the single most important factor in ensuring success in any endeavour.

In this post, we discussed some common traits of people, who were able to create wealth in a relatively short time-frame and attain financial independence. Not all of us want to retire early; many of us like what we are doing. The savings and investment traits described in this post, do not require any specialized skills. Interest in your personal finance, financial awareness, discipline and commitment go a long way in making your wealth creation endeavour a success.

Mutual Fund Investments are subject to market risk, read all scheme related documents carefully.

Friday, February 24, 2017

How Life Insurance Annuity Plans can help in your retirement years

A recent research on retirement planning conducted by Reliance capital asset management in association with IMRB international reveals shocking data on the percentage of people actually planning for retirement in India. With an increase in the overall life expectancy rate, it is expected that the percentage of people falling in the retired category by the year 2050 will form about 20% or more of the total population in India. In was found that out of the total working population, over 40% of the people stated that they would be taken care of by their family post retirement, while 35% did not want to invest as they felt that invest for future will reduce their liquidity of funds. Another 21% were surprisingly unaware at all about retirement planning and its benefits.

Now that you have seen the above chart, do you know that out of the working population (mostly people lying between the ages of 30-35 years) only 15% have actually thought about retirement planning? The problem is not that that only 15% have planned for retirement but the problem lies in the fact that out of the 15% people planning for retirement only 35% are active investors. It means that out of every 100 people only 15 people have thought of retirement out of which only 6 people are actually investing regularly.

As per the report India's per capita retirement and pension assets are not up to the mark. But, why is it so? Is it just because we are not interested or it's because we do not know the importance of retirement planning and various avenues where we can invest.

We all wish to have a happy retired life but fail to make arrangements for the same. The reason is not that we do not want to invest. It is the lack of awareness about the available options that will help us to achieve a comfortable retired life.

Do you know about investment plans which would help in retirement?

It is Life insurance Annuity Plans! We all have come across this term numerous times and have very well managed to ignore it. Some ignore it out of pure arrogance while someignore it mistaking it to be just any other type of insurance plan. Yes, of course it is an insurance plan but meant for retirement planning. Under this plan, you pay a premium in lump sum amount or regular mode for a specific period of time and then get a regular stream of income till you or your spouse survive.

Life Insurance 'Annuity Plans' or 'Annuities' offer regular income to people who have retired from work till such time they are alive. Let us now understand the plan in details:

What is an annuity plan and how does it work?An annuity plan is an insurance product which aims at providing a regular source of income to you post your retirement. The premiums to be paid towards purchasing this plan can either be made in a lump sum or regular instalments over the defined premium paying term.
The annuity is payable to you till the time you die. Most of the companies pay annuities in the frequency chosen by you – monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly. it basically ensures a lifelong security and works under the philosophy that the longer you live, the more you receive by way of annuities
Certain life insurance annuity plans offer a minimum period of monthly income which is guaranteed. Even if you die during this period your family will receive the regular monthly income till the completion of the guaranteed income period.
Certain annuity plans also offer payment of the remaining amount as a lump sum payout in case of death of the buyer during the initial years of the policy.Example

- Rakesh is planning to save for his retirement. His age is 23 and risk profile moderate. He wishes to retire at age 50 and his current monthly expense is around Rs 20,000 per month. He wants to withdraw first annuity at his 51stbirthday. The current inflation rate is 5%

Assuming he wants to lead a comfortable life, Rakesh will needs a corpus of around Rs 1 Crore and 4 Lakhs and for this Rakesh needs to save Rs 11,228 per month.

Types of annuity

Life Insurance Annuity plans can be divided into two basic categories which are again subdivided into other categories

Defined Benefit Pension Plans and
Individual annuity Plans.Defined Benefit Pension Plans

These types of plans are, by and large, offered to the employees of a particular organization or by the government. The amount to be offered under this plan is decided depending upon various factors such as the age, the amount of the salary being received by the employee and his/her years of work tenure in the organization.

Individual Annuity Plans

Individual annuity plans are offered by the insurance companies to individual customers. A wide range of options are available under this category, which makes it flexible for an individual to select the annuity plan most appropriate for her or his need. The various types of annuity plans available are

Deferred Annuity
Immediate Annuity
Fixed and variable annuity
Guaranteed annuity
Joint annuity
Impaired life annuity

Let us now have a detailed look of all the categories:

Deferred annuityDeferred annuity comprises of two phases - One phase is known as the accumulation or the deferral phase and the other one is known as the distribution phase (when the annuities are paid).
The investments made in deferred annuities help in capital growth of the investment during the first phase i.e. the accumulation phase. This annuity plan can be purchased either as a single premium deferred annuity (SPDA) or as a flexible premium deferred annuity (FPDA).
In SPDA, the purchaser has to pay a single premium and the premium amount will be further invested. No additions or modifications can be done in this case.
In FPDA, the purchaser may choose to pay the premium multiple times. Any number of premiums paid by the purchaser will be further invested by the insurance company.
The second phase is known as the distribution phase wherein the annuity is paid in the frequency chosen by the annuitant till his or her death or death of both of the annuitants (In case of joint annuity).Example

- Raj is a working professional who has received a lump sum amount by selling an old property. He wishes to invest the entire sum towards the purchase of a good annuity plan. He can buy the single premium deferred annuity (SPDA) which will help him get annuity from the age chosen by him.

Vikas is a business man who has invested in various businesses. He gets return on his investments at different times. He wishes to invest these returns towards purchase of a good annuity plan, therefore, he may choose to invest in FPDA by paying premiums at different times.

Immediate AnnuityImmediate annuities offer payments to the policy holder immediately after the premium is paid and till the time of his death.
However, the payment to be done towards the purchase of this annuity plan has to be done as a single premium.
It basically comprises only of a distribution phase.
It is also known as single premium immediate annuity, payout annuity or an income annuity.Example

- Amita a single mother has worked hard all her life and has saved a good sum for herself. She is still works but want to use her hard earned money for post retirement period. Hence, she needs a regular monthly income post retirement. She is afraid of spending her savings before her retirement. So, it’s suggested that she invest her money in an immediate annuity plan whereby, the monthly income will begin immediately after she retires till she dies.

Fixed and variable annuitiesCertain annuities pay in certain annuity amounts that are pre fixed or in amounts which increases as per a fixed rate. Such annuities are known as fixed annuities.
Unlike, fixed annuities there are certain kinds of annuities that pay depending upon the performance of certain specified investments (generally equities or investments in bonds). Such annuities are known as variable annuities.Example

- Aman and Akash are two friends wishing to invest and plan for a better life post retirement. But both have different risk taking capacities.

Aman wishes to invest in a fund which will offer him a fixed annuity return and will not cause any kind of financial loss to him. So he chooses to invest in fixed annuities.

Akash has a higher risk taking capacity and wishes to invest in a fund which might give him returns depending upon the market rate. So he chooses to invest in variable annuities in anticipation of earning higher returns.

Guaranteed Annuity

A guaranteed annuity offer payments to the annuity holder for a certain number of years known as the "period certain". In cases, where the annuitant lives beyond the decided period certain, this plan continues to make annuity payments till the time of death of the annuity holder. And, in cases where the annuitant dies before the expiry of the period certain then the legal heir of the annuitant will receive the remaining payments also known as "payments certain". However, one thing to be kept in mind, while purchasing this plan is that the payment to be received under this plan will be smaller as compared to the payments to receive under a pure life annuity plan. A pure life annuity plan makes payments only till the time of death of the annuitant.


- Raj has purchased a guaranteed annuity plan for 20 years of period certain. He has kept his son as the legal heir of the annuity. Now, in case Raj dies before the completion of 20 years than his son will receive the remaining payments till the period certain( 20 years) is over, but if Raj manages to live beyond the expected 20 years than he will receive annuity payments till the period he actually lives.

Joint Annuity

Joint annuities also known as Joint life and joint survivor annuities offer regular payments till the time of death of either or both of the holders. An annuity plan may offer payment to a legally wedded couple till the time of death of both the holders or may also choose to reduce the amount of payment to be made to the surviving holder in case of death of one of the holders.


- Mr. & Mrs. Sharma have invested in joint annuity. They receive an amount of Rs 50,000 per month. Mr. Sharma dies due to a heart attack. Mrs. Sharma now receives the annuity amount and will continue to receive so till the time she lives.

In India, increasing life expectancy rate, rising health care costs, absence of social security system and disintegration of joint family system are some of the key reasons for you to make retirement planning a priority

Life Insurance Annuity plans is many. But to choose the right plan for you is the key to a happy retired life. By keeping certain factors such as the amount of retirement income required by you, the inflation rate and the life expectancy, you must select the most appropriate annuity plan for yourself. After all the years of hard work you deserve to have a happy and comfortable retired life.

Insurance is the subject matter of the solicitation..